In order of chronological mention, here is what Ben discussed or mentioned in both of his presentations in the Atlanta “Live It To Lead It” conference:

Ben’s “Advanced Brain Biohacking” Presentation:

Click here for slides.

  1. Ben’s Beyond Training book
  2. The official HALO tDCS podcast
  3. Ben’s Neurofeedback experience with the PeakBrainInstitute
  4. The podcast interview and information on photobiomodulation with Vielight
  5. Transcranial / Intranasal Light Therapy: VieLight Neuro Wearable Brain Photobiomodulation Device
  6. Ben's Quantlet podcast
  7. Article: The “Re-Timer” Effect: How To Re-Time Your Circadian Rhythms If You Wake Up Too Early Or Stay Up Too Late.
  8. Article: The Ultimate Guide To Using Light To Biohack Your Circadian Rhythms, Sleep Better & Beat Jet Lag Forever.
  9. Biological LED Lamps by Lighting Science
  10. The JOOVV Light for Infrared Light Therapy at Home
  11. Ben’s “Testicular Light” video
  12. The Ultimate Guide To Biohacking Your Testosterone: 17 Ways To Maximize Muscle-Building, Drive & Anti-Aging.
  13. Ben’s “How to do Jaw Realignment” video
  14. The “Myobuddy” vibration device
  15. “Brain Power” Essential Oil by YoungLiving
  16. Ben’s review of Dave Asprey’s “Headstrong” book and methylene blue nootropic
  17. Nutrition supplement that combines CBD and curcumin
  18. An interview with Dean Karnazes in which Ben and Dean discuss “Mastic Gum”
  19. Study on psilocybin and new brain cell growth
  20. Article on LSD for brain health

Ben’s “The 5 Invisible Variables That Will Make Or Break Your Mind, Body & Spirit” Presentation

Click here for slides.






The Sunday Morning Workout

-Begin with lazy stretching and gratitude

-“Shake” the body for 2-5 minutes

-One full yoga sun salutation with Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and Warrior 3 for each side

-10 Superslow Pushups (can repeat for 8, 6, 4, 2 and do back-to-back with squats if time)

-10 Superslow Squats (can repeat for 8, 6, 4, 2 and do back-to-back with pushups if time)

-“Kundalini” moves (60-120 seconds each) with recovery after each doing cat-cow, opposite arm-leg extensions, side plank rotations or Yoga chatarunga

  • Torso twists
  • Punches
  • Energy “sweeps”

-Tabata set: lunge variation

-Recovery after Tabata doing cat-cow, opposite arm-leg extensions, side plank rotations or Yoga chatarunga

-Tabata set: pushup or mountain climber variation

-Recovery after Tabata doing cat-cow, opposite arm-leg extensions, side plank rotations or Yoga chatarunga

-Sit down/stand up as many times as possible in 2 minutes

-Finish with 1-2 minutes fire breathing and power animal visualization

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